YLocale, and Finding the Best Locksmiths in Chicago

Today I wanted to showcase one of the newest projects I've been working on, called LocalToe. (Or YLocale, or FindBadger - which name do you like?)

This is a Yellow Pages-like site, but with a difference - it allows advertisers to customize their ad, similar to the printed Yellow Pages.

As an example, you can take a look at the LocalToe page for The Best Locksmiths in the Chicago, IL area. You can see that the site allows for a description where the business owner can describe the specifics about his company. For example, American Best Locksmith talks about being a 24/7 lcoksmith for thrity years. Others may mention the services they provide, such as lock-out, lock replacement, and even CCTV security installation.

If you are looking for a locksmith in a hurry, it's helpful to have this extra information, rather than a plain list with just the names and addresses like a lot of other directory sites. There's a map as well, so you can find someone that is close to you. Or if you have locked yourself out of your safe, it might be good to know whether this is a service that the business offers. Need to extract a broken key from a lock? That's also good information to have.

And you can also see full-color ads with images. On the above page you can see one that talks about duplicating keys and lock out service. Just like the paper Yellow Pages, images can help you communicate important information to your potential customers.

See more examples here.